Travel by bus in Sri Lanka offers you the cheapest way to move around the country because for every six kilometres, you’ll need to part with just nine rupees. Several bus stops exist, and are often marked with white lined blocks on the road sides. In case you cannot identify them, it is always best to ask a local resident because most of them are very sociable. Note that the bus might not stop for you when you don’t stand at the designated stop points. Also, you may have to flag the bus down. It is always advisable to ask a Sri Lankan to help you. In many cases, buses can be really crowded. Make sure that you breathe properly and you are calm. Also, make sure that your wallet is near. Someone will move around asking everyone for fare whereas the amount needed for travelling by bus in Sri Lanka will be determined by the distance. Note that is you are a woman, you must not get the seat that is close to a Buddha priests.
In case you want to move around Colombo, make sure that you have 20 rupees ready. Many foreigners often get lost but this comes with its own advantages as they get to know the places better. Most certainly the conductor of your bus won’t give any alert when you reach where you are going, particularly when the bus is full. Most locals are very sociable so make sure that you ask the person next to you to alert you once you reach your destination. In case you pass your destination, you may have to walk. Also you’ll need to get close to the exit before you reach the stop as buses often do not stop for long.